one-woman creative studio

crafting magical, dreamy brands

i’m a graphic designer & brand strategist from new zealand! I specialise in illustration and have made that the main focus within my branding process

a lil bit about me

I have a HUGE passion for sustainability and ethical living, this earth is so magical and taking it for granted is something I will never do. I believe I was put here to help others see the beauty in the world and make kinder decisions where possible!

When I'm not designing you can find me hanging out with my pup, sewing cute stuff, and eating lots of vegan junk food.

Back in 2018, I graduated with a bachelor degree in communication design and then went on to work in a design agency for 2 years, followed by a bunch of freelance illustration work. After doing that for about a year, I wanted to create more meaningful work. So my first step was learning about brand strategy and overall developing my skill set, now everything I create is backed by some form of strategy!

hey, hi, hello! i'm jade

to create dreamy, playful branding for sustainable companies that are kind to our planet!

My main mission is to create magical branding for ethical businesses that are wanting to stand out from everyone else in their industry.

For me, this means adding some personality into eco-friendly branding, ultimately appealing to a new range of people. The world is changing and sustainability is becoming a huge focus in how businesses are run, especially when it comes to packaging!

I don't know about you but I'm guilty of making purchases based on the packaging (while also considering ethics of course). But just because something is sustainable, doesn't mean the design needs to lack personality. And that's where I come in! :)

after doing brand strategy for my biz, it became crystal clear to me on what my vision was for this brand:

let's make a difference together,
 i'm here to make sustainability fun and always design with strategy in mind.

jade / the lead creative

lover of cartoons and animated movies
astrology & astronomy obsessed
probably daydreaming about travelling

favourite food: anything that involves potatoes

chip / office assistant

kindly interrupts all business calls
identifies as a rottweiler guard dog 
provider of quality entertainment

favourite food: Kumara (aka: sweet potato)